First Impressions

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When someone sees you for the first time what do they see? Are you smiling? Are you frowning? Are you indifferent?

According to an article on CNN, it states that a first impression may have to do more with your face than your outfit. Going on a job interview? A first date? A high school reunion? We can spend hours looking for the right outfit, when the answer may be staring at us in the mirror all along. The article states that “the facial features most associated with approachability were related to mouth shape. For example, those who were smiling appeared more approachable than those who were frowning.” It is so simple, put on a smile and your first impression is bound to be a good one! So instead of spending so much time going over the perfect outfit, focus on you. A happier and healthier you is more important than any other item you can utilize. Here are some ways to help bring your beauty and balance to life:

Drink water.
Get your hair styled.
Eat your fruits and vegetables.
Get a massage or facial.
Go on a walk.
Instead of your normal nail color, pick something new and fun to change things up.
Make sure you get your beauty sleep.

And above all, love yourself. “How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your own skin-that’s what really makes you beautiful.” -Bobbi Brown
